- Hurricane Youth Football League- Visit their website at www.leaguelineup.com for more information or to sign up.
- Winfield Youth Football League (Winfield)- Visit them on Facebook, on their website at www.leagues.bluesombrero.com/winfieldfootball, or email wmflreg@gmail.com.
- Upward (First Baptist Church-Hurricane)- Upward partners with churches to offer sports in our community. Contact them at (304)562-9281, lisamikecody@suddenlink.net, or www.upward.org.
- Upward (Good Shepherd Baptist Church-Scott Depot)- Upward partners with churches to offer sports in our community. Contact them at (304) 757-7621, naamandunn@hotmail.com or www.upward.org.
- Upward (Hamlin United Methodist Church-Hamlin)- Upward partners with churches to offer sports in our community. Contact them at (304) 824-3383 or www.upward.org.
- Buffalo Bison Youth Football, Cheerleading, and Majorettes (Eleanor/Buffalo)- Visit them on Facebook or call (757) 817-2233.
- Famous Superstars– Visit them on Facebook, email debbie@famoussuperstars.com, or call (304) 545-2531.