Sew Crafty- is an arts and crafts store in Hurricane which offers sewing classes for children and youth. Children learn to create fun items such as pillowcases, stuffed animals, backpacks, and custom T-shirts. Visit Sew Crafty on Facebook or call (304) 541-9298 for more information.
My Messy Desk– offers private crochet lessons, as well as “Yarn and Yak” group crochet events. Visit their website at, My Messy Desk on Facebook, or call (309) 912-3191 for more information on arts and crafts events and activities.
Quilts by Phyllis – Sit and Sews are designed to let friends gather and sew on their projects. Watch for special events. Located at 2943 Putnam Ave Hurricane, WV. 304-562-7404.